Talent Collective, New Videos, & Testing Continues | TradFi to DeFi Community Update

TradFi to DeFi
3 min readDec 23, 2022


Week of December 23

As the year comes to a close, and Christmas is just around the corner, we’re grateful for another productive week at TradFi to DeFi.

Dao Punks Partnership continues!

I am thrilled to announce that DAO Punks has extended a special invitation to our community to join their talent collective. If you’re not already familiar, DAOpunks is on a mission to help onboard and introduce people into new and exciting jobs, careers, and opportunities in Web3 with the help of their Job Board and Talent Collective on Pallet:

Whether you are have years of experience in your field, just starting your career, or even looking for a new or different position, DAOpunks can help. Thank you DAO Punks for this exciting opportunity! For more details, please join our discord:

Last week’s community call recording

If you’re someone who enjoys keeping up to speed on our community and the latest discussions, check out last week’s community recording:

We discuss our social media strategy and the groundswell of activity in the past few weeks.

New YouTube & Twitter action!

We’ve published a new intro video for those coming to TradFi to DeFi for the first time. It’s available on our YouTube channel as well as twitter.

Over the past few weeks we’ve had a lot of new followers from the Sovryn community. We’ve been exploring Bitcoin-based DeFi (you can read more in our previous feature article), and we’ve released a few short videos on the topic:

If you haven’t already, please consider subscribing as we grow our online presence:

Product Testing Continues!

If you have not yet already signed up to test the Gamut protocol, there’s still time! dm me on Twitter (here or here) if you have any questions.

Looking ahead

We’ll publish more of our thoughts in-depth on the last year at TradFi to DeFi. But for now, enjoy the Christmas and holiday season!

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TradFi to DeFi exists to teach, encourage and inspire you on your decentralized finance journey. To spark synergies, foster long-lasting connections, and expand your horizons. A hub of activity, opportunity, excitement, and possibility. Come join the DeFi revolution!

Find us on discord, twitter and youtube!
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TradFi to DeFi

We are a networking hub, project incubator, talent connector, mentorship provider, and opportunity maximizer for the DeFi enthusiast, whether new or experienced