Revving Up Revenue | TradFi to DeFi — Week 4 DaoPunks Cohort

TradFi to DeFi
4 min readNov 25, 2022


Progress update

Today’s article continues our weekly progress updates for the DAO Punks grant process! Previous updates for weeks 1, 2, and 3 are here, here, a here. Again special shout-out to Ray for his excellent summary!

We’re happy to report that we’ve convinced over one billion people to give us each $1. Boom, revenue challenges are solved overnight. 🤑

Kidding, of course. While that would be a spectacular development, it would also be… really weird and out of character for a DAO and humanity in general.

Oh! And a Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American friends. 🦃

With jokes and well wishes aside, let’s talk about the latest and greatest at TradFi to DeFi.

Focusing on the Fiscal 📈📚

After spending important sessions with amazing people detailing the potential scope, scales, and organizational format for work within TradFi to DeFi, we’ve begun to delve into a crucial topic: revenue generation. The adage “build it and they will come” has become increasingly less accurate over the years as software makes it possible to build amazing things with very little overhead. For this reason and more, TradFi to DeFi seeks to deliver a unique and highly valuable suite of services to a wider audience at a fair price, all while helping to expand the scope and scale of DeFi’s user base.

We’re on the front lines of crypto adoption, so we have a major role to play. Explaining how this wacky, newfangled technology works in easily understandable and enjoyable ways helps to bridge the gap between intimidating and fanciful. Transforming digital financial accounting systems into super-cool internet bean money torpedoes makes learning much more fun. It keeps the kids engaged and grandpa awake… or at least in a mental state beyond thinking, “ah, one of those computer things like back in the 1980s.”

How opening Metamask looks to a first time user

This unique position led the group to identify a powerful revenue-generating activity that ticks all the boxes: protocol review. By creating straightforward, easily accessible reviews of existing and upcoming DeFi protocols, TradFi to DeFi can help humanize the process of interacting with exciting new technology.

We’ve already had some fantastic past successes in giving actionable feedback and a platform to aspiring young protocols. Earlier this year, TradFi to DeFi had the pleasure of hosting Leo of Avalanche’s Pangolin Exchange for an AMM and token airdrop. We also hosted TradFi to DeFi native Ray, who shared information about the exciting things happening in the world of tokenized carbon credits.

So, we have the knowledge, experience, and drive. All that’s left is to create a formal action plan and hit the ground running!

Moving the Mountain 🚛⛰️

Okay, so based on our skills and experiences, this isn’t quite as tedious as moving a mountain, but for the sake of alliteration the show must go on!

We’re excited to share that we recently connected with an aspiring protocol within the Kava ecosystem that’s set to launch in a few months: Gamut. This automated market maker minimizes impermanent loss for liquidity providers and creates a more fair and equitable experience for market participants. After more… esoteric approaches we’ve seen this past market cycle, we’re pleasantly surprised by the straightforward and transparent nature of the project.

We’re currently engaging with TradFi to DeFi DAO contributors for the initial pilot of this protocol testing and feedback program. Any member of the group with interest in testing early access protocols should reach out to Tyler or Farmer John to learn more about how to get involved! This engagement represents the first of many, through which we learn how to best engage clients, what to look for when testing, how to structure our individual and collective feedback, and more. It’s a great time to get involved!

With that in mind, we’re looking forward to the weeks to come. Now that we’re firmly into the holiday season, we fully expect things to get more hectic between work, family, friends, and fun! We at TradFi to DeFi are incredibly thankful for you, dear reader. As we continue to work diligently throughout the remainder of the year and beyond, we appreciate the excellent things happening and look forward to the amazing things to come. Let’s keep up the pace!

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TradFi to DeFi exists to teach, encourage and inspire you on your decentralized finance journey. To spark synergies, foster long-lasting connections, and expand your horizons. A hub of activity, opportunity, excitement, and possibility. Come join the DeFi revolution!

Don’t forget to join us on discord, twitter and youtube!

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TradFi to DeFi

We are a networking hub, project incubator, talent connector, mentorship provider, and opportunity maximizer for the DeFi enthusiast, whether new or experienced