Getting Ducks In A Row | TradFi to DeFi — Week 6 DaoPunks Cohort

TradFi to DeFi
4 min readDec 9, 2022


The end of one chapter, beginning another!

Today’s article continues our weekly progress updates for the DAO Punks grant process. Previous updates for weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 can be accessed here or via the TradFi to DeFi Medium. Again special shout-out to Ray for his excellent summary!

Have you got your ducks in a row, anon?

Quiet, But Building

This week was quieter than the previous, with most of our attention focused on onboarding protocol testers, engaging with Gamut to preface test scenarios and environments, and soliciting more power users from the community. We’ve had success on all fronts, and while these developments don’t herald the fireworks and fanfare of previous weeks, they’re crucial for underpinning the success of this initial engagement.

While we’re a bit biased, we think protocol testing is downright cool. Gleaning insights into what’s being worked on in DeFi before it hits the market is a great way to stay on top of industry trends. This industry moves at a breakneck speed, even during bear (pronounced: build) markets, so staying abreast of the emerging best is crucial when trying to score alpha. We’re proud to provide deep value to nascent protocols as they put their best foot forward in helping to build the industry we love!

We always emphasize that TradFi to DeFi has a focus on adoption (hint: it’s in the name!). And protocol testing is a great way to move adoption forward.

Extra Credit On The Table!

We outlined in the previous update some of the benefits of testing protocols with TradFi to DeFi. We’re happy to report that we’re taking further action on these incentives. An official TradFi to DeFi LinkedIn company page now lets us vouch for the experience of protocol testers, helping to recognize contributors publicly (have you joined our LinkedIn group yet?). This tool will also help anyone aspiring to work in DeFi to signal to their professional network that they’ve garnered industry experience. After all, experience goes much further than an expression of interest.

One of the most important aspects of wider DeFi adoption is understanding. People remain averse to technology they don’t understand, but once it clicks, the adoption curve takes off like a rocket. That’s why a group with diverse backgrounds, experience levels, and DeFi understanding is crucial. It gives founders insights into how real people will use their protocols, not just how they think DeFi power users might make magic with them. TradFi to DeFi is ecstatic to contribute to bridging the gap between today’s DeFi enthusiasts and the general users of tomorrow!

A swan song for DAO Punks Cohort 1

Before we forget the opportunity that kicked off a lot of this brainstorming, we want to take a moment to thank the good people at DAOPunks. Today is actually our last community update in the cohort 1 sprint!

“This is the end of a beautiful cohort!” — Neil from Tenet, if he was in DAOPunks speaking to TradFi to DeFi

When we first won the community grant opportunity from DAOPunks, we had no idea where we would end up in 6 weeks time. We had a vague idea of creating a think tank DAO, and now we are well on our way toward making that dream a reality and fostering adoption along the way.

It’s amazing how fast time flies when you’re building with your friends. Although this weekly cohort update journey is coming to a close, we will forever remember the joys of building in our community thanks to the motivation and opportunity provided by our DAOPunk friends. The weekly update cadence has been a welcome structure to our community, and it is one we plan on continuing well into the future. This will not be the last update you hear from us on our DAO!

The journey continues, and we plan on doing more collaborations and partnerships in the future similar to what we’ve done with DAOPunks. More to come, but for now, thank you DAOPunks!

Wrapping Things Up

We’re also incredibly grateful to be a part of this growing movement toward individual financial sovereignty. In what other industry would a distributed group of awesome online enthusiasts like ourselves qualify for a capital injection of wacky internet money to formalize our decentralized operations? Not in traditional banking (speaking from experience here). It’s humbling to take a moment and reflect on the fact that we’re living through a pivotal point in human history as it pertains to finance, individual freedom, technology, and cross-border/cultural communications!

TradFi to DeFi is always growing, learning, and evolving. If you know anyone interested in emerging digital technologies, decentralized finance, and genuinely thought-provoking discussion, make sure to drop them an invite! As we close out the year and step even further into a bright future, we couldn’t be more excited. Let’s continue to make the most of this precious building time and lay a firm foundation for the future!

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TradFi to DeFi exists to teach, encourage and inspire you on your decentralized finance journey. To spark synergies, foster long-lasting connections, and expand your horizons. A hub of activity, opportunity, excitement, and possibility. Come join the DeFi revolution!

Don’t forget to join us on discord, twitter and youtube!
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TradFi to DeFi

We are a networking hub, project incubator, talent connector, mentorship provider, and opportunity maximizer for the DeFi enthusiast, whether new or experienced